TWIG WebFinder SP

Web-based tracking and monitoring application for service provider

If you are a present user of TWIG WebFinder SP, it has been replaced by the new TWIG Point software. Please contact us for migration.

TWIG WebFinder SP is a web application by subscription enabling you to monitor alerts from and track the GPS location of TWIG devices. Street maps, aerial images and 3D aerial views are available internationally. Detail varies according to area and usually improves over time. The TWIG WebFinder SP platform can be leveraged for your service offering with your logo, your customer relations and your pricing. Features include:

  • alarms monitoring and GPS tracking
  • software as a service: all you need is a PC and a web browser
  • compatible with the TWIG Protector range, TWIG Discovery Pro and TWIG Locator range
  • follow TWIG devices on street maps and aerial views
  • detailed street maps in 60+ countries
  • international map coverage
  • choice of GPRS or SMS communication
  • history log and track
  • remote device management
  • AGPS available for TWIG personal alarms except TWIG Discovery Pro.